Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Who is Jake Witmer and why did he split?

A guy named Jake Witmer was hired recently by Nancy Todd to walk among us and collect petitions for her cockamamie casino scheme. 

 He's one of the 'BIG GUNS' Ms. Todd brought in to slick talk us country bumpkins into making her rich.  (Witmer's also said to be working with Nancy's team on the Pro-Pot Petition)

So who is this dude? 

Jake Witmer is a Libertarian activist from Illinois.  Kind of an anti government "black helicopter" guy, a professed atheist, pro-marijuana crusader who does petition work from time-to-time.  He ran for Congress in Illinois in 2004 - got 4% of the vote.

Well, word is ole Jake split the state this weekend leaving his Arkansas troops unpaid and holding bills.

More proof this is all a scam and just one more reason not to trust these folks when they call your home or come to your door.

1 comment:

  1. Proof would require something to be true.

    Witmer is currently in Arkansas and no one has been left unpaid.
